
Activities / Business activities
The company's main activities in May 2022 2022-06-13 11:32:52

 After the May Day holiday, the epidemic control situation in Beijing is still severe.

1.With the successive control of different communities and the closure of public transportation,some employees were controlled and unable to go to work normally, which had a huge impact on our normal work order. In the face of the crisis, these employees take the completion of work as the first priority, and the employees who can travel, they overcome many difficulties and try every means to solve the problem of transportation to work; Employees who are unable to travel are working from home to minimise the impact of the epidemic on their work. 


2. In order to ensure the material distribution of BBAC, BU1 has formulated an emergency plan, implemented closed-loop management for the logistics department of BU1. All employees in Beijing, Tianjin and Wuqing were safely isolated in the airport logistics base, avoiding any contact from outside even in weekends, ensuring the safety of the airport base and personnel healthy, and ensuring the normal production process.


3. In order to ensure that the materials imported are not contaminated by the coronavirus, we did the routine sanitization of the materials ourselves, and entrusted a third party to increase the nucleic acid testing of the materials once a week, testing frequency will be adjusted accordingly according to the changes in the epidemic.


4.In this VUCA era full of uncertainty, it brings great challenges to our supply chain service providers. In order to guard against the potential risks posed by increasingly severe uncontrollable factors to international shipping, we have launched the China-Europe Railway Transport Project. Although international rail transportation has increased a lot of transportation costs compared with international sea transportation, in order to ensure the production of our customers, we must sacrifice local interests and take into account the overall situation, which is also the responsibility of our supply chain service providers.


5.We have four managers Gao Chuncheng, Guan Yunjia, Lai Xiaoyou and Cai Chunhui have conducted the high-end training courses of "Organizational Work", "Executive Control", "Performance Measurement" and "Talent Development" respectively. Each of them throws out the problems existing in the actual work as a manager, and leads everyone to discuss together, so as to truly apply what they have learned, solve problems, improve together. It becomes more and more popular.



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