
Activities / Business activities
The company's main activities in February 2022 2022-03-07 10:41:01

In February, the company's various business activities forged ahead amid various uncertainties caused by the strict control of the epidemic.


1、Affected by the epidemic control, employees especially at the airport base have been quarantined from time to time, which has made our tense human resources even worse. We united together to cooperate and coordinate with assistance of all departments and partners of company, reasonably arranged effective resources, and completed the task of ensuring production and supply of BBAC in an intense and orderly manner.

2、Following the company's management meeting on January 29 which discussed company's strategy for the next five years and business plan for 2022, the company's management and the department teams had many exchanges and heated discussions. They actively discussed how to tap the potential to complete the company's business indicators, how to effectively link the company's business indicators with KPIs, and how to make KPI assessment more motivating. After several rounds of intense and fruitful discussions, everyone has more clearly defined the company's goals for 2022, the direction of their own improvement, and strengthened their determination and confidence to complete the goals.

3、Throughout company's 2022 business plan, it is full of infinite challenges

 3.1The challenge of the company's operating indicators improving

The company's operating target is set to the highest level in our history after full market analysis and benchmark with those in previous years, which are extremely challenging. Only all business departments continue to improve the level of lean management and continue to develop new projects can this challenge goal be achieved.

 3.2The challenge of the continuous improvement of the management level

The company requires the improvement of the management level to keep pace with the rapid development of the company. Only the continuous improvement of the management level can enhance our influence and competitiveness in the professional field, and win the respect and trust of partners. In order to make the improvement,the company has customized the high-end training plan of DMTP "E+ Manager", hoping that the company's talent training can benefit from this high-end training.It is hoped that only by continuously learning, and establishing the concept and goal of lifelong learning can the management achieve the challenge of continuous self-improvement, and make contributions to the platform built by the company and develop together with the company.

 3.3The challenge of upgrading the construction of the company's base

We are in the best period of the company's development, and the uncertainty of development has brought us great challenges. However, the certainty in the uncertainty- high-tech, high starting point, and high-quality development -is the goal of the upgrading and construction of our base. Comprehensive data center, smart supply chain, robotics project and laboratory project are our key upgrade projects. While establishing these projects, it is a huge test for us to realize BBAC 2039 carbon neutrality strategy.

The business plan for 2022 has a high starting point and a heavy task. This can only be achieved if we are not afraid of difficulties and work together.