
Activities / Business activities
The company's main activities in July 2020 2021-04-30 09:08:44

In the first half of 2020, due to the impact of the domestic and international epidemics, our business target decreased by 10% year-on-year.

In July, with the steady increase in the production of BBAC and the continuous progress in the market development of the BU2, our business indicators continued to improve and the decline narrowed. This is closely related to the hard work of all employees of BU1 and the pioneering spirit of all employees of BU2. All employees of the business department will make persistent efforts to minimize the losses caused by the epidemic and continue to work hard to achieve the company's business goal of 1.5 billion output value in 2020.

  1. All departments sorted out the work in the first half of 2020 in a timely manner, summarized experience, and praised the advanced; Find deficiencies, optimize and improve; Make suggestions for the realization of the company's annual business objectives and the development of the company's employees. Everyone is clearly aware of the severity of the situation at home and abroad in the second half of the year, but in the face of difficulties, the confidence of the management team to ensure production, operation and overcome difficulties is still firm!
  2. In the actual production and operation, the business department has continuously improved the lean production management concept, continuously innovated, and made positive contributions to the company's revenue generation and cost saving in 2018-2019. After the assessment of the company's assessment team, the company decided to give special rewards to the responsible persons of saving projects and innovation projects, so as to encourage continuous innovation in a broader and deeper scope and contribute to the improvement of the company's management efficiency.
  3. The party branch of the company organized the love activities of the company's Communist Party members, party activists and the masses. 20 love embodies the company's care and is dedicated to the Xicheng District Charity Association, and the Xicheng District Charity Association dedicates these 20 love to those who need care.
  4. “八一(yī)”建軍節前夕,公司黨支部、公司工(gōng)會代表公司赴武清物(wù)流基地慰問我(wǒ)軍光榮退役的退役軍人,期望全體(tǐ)退役軍人在新的工(gōng)作崗位上成爲公司發展的骨幹力量,繼續發揚我(wǒ)軍的光榮傳統,爲公司快速發展續寫新篇章


5. July is hot, and the heat is unbearable! The company is well aware of the hard work of all employees fighting in the production line, and appointed the company's labor union to carry out on-site condolences, send cool drinks, and send the company's care to the employees to overcome the heat.

6.The Enterprise Annuity, also known as the "Enterprise Pension Plan", is a supplementary pension system. It is not only an important means to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises and enhance employees' sense of security and belonging, but also a means of ensuring the quality of life of employees after retirement. Under the severe situation of deteriorating economic situation at home and abroad, fierce competition in the market in the future, and the coexistence of many uncertain factors, the company launched the "Enterprise Pension Plan", which reflects the company's humanistic care, social feelings and corporate social responsibility.

Only by making continuous efforts, constantly improving the management level and continuously improving the market competitiveness can all employees cope with the current severe market challenges, ensure the sustainable development of the company, and ensure that all employees not only have a sense of security for today's work, but also a sense of security for the future retirement life!