
Activities / Business activities
In March 2018, the company's main work 2021-04-29 16:59:23

The operations of the company's business divisions are carried out as planned.

All parts of the company are working to expand their business scope and manage innovation.

The team spirit of cooperation of various departments made the relocation of Langfang metallurgical warehouse go smoothly.



On the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the establishment of the company, the company gave everyone an annual gift, which further reflected the company's return to the contribution of employees and further enhanced the cohesion of the company.

After several rounds of discussions, the General Management Department and the management have completed the revision of the salary system and performance appraisal system, which will be implemented on April 1.

The General Management Department has completed the recruitment of personnel for the BU1 and BU2 to ensure normal production and operation.