
Activities / Business activities
In May 2016, the company's main work 2021-04-29 15:48:01
  • 5.12 The company and Stuphen Consulting held a symposium with BBAC procurement, logistics, body, technical quality and other related departments.

  • The company received visitors, and the leaders of CCAS exchanged views on the cooperation between the two sides.
  • The company signed procurement and distribution agreements with two parts suppliers.
  • The company sent people to Taiwan-funded enterprises for visits and exchanges.
  • The company sent employees to participate in the "Red May" singing competition organized by the overseas Chinese building.
  • The company sent employees of the BU1 to participate in international trade practice training and training.

Give someone a pat on the back:

   Comrade Wang Yaye of the Finance Department treats the work seriously and responsibly, pays attention to the notice of the Beijing local taxation network in a timely manner, and applies for 2% of the 2013-2015 annual withholding and payment of individual income tax commission.